Sunday, June 1, 2014

I love you and I love this signature

I love you and I love this signature

I love you and I love this signature

Do you have any doubt that you are the sweetest woman in the world ? .
The most important woman in the world ? .
Do you have any doubt that when I found you . .
Possess minimum keys ? .
Do you have any doubt that when I touched your hands
Configuration has changed the world?
Do you have any doubt in my heart that logged
Is the greatest day in history. .
The news of the most beautiful in the world ?
Do you have any doubt about who you are ?
Hey eyes occupies parts of the time
Woman breaks , while the pass, the sound barrier
I do not know what happens to me?
Pejorative Onthaa first
If I were you I liked what
And what if I practiced love. . Neither accepted nor accepted
AD you .. and you do not remember that I was
And the cover .. and you do not remember me Your affection before I lived . .
Hey, if I were queen . .
Like the bird came out of your belly . .
Do you have any doubt that you are part of a self-
And I stole fire from your eyes . .
And you have the most serious Torati
O rose .. and .. and ruby Rihaneh ..
The Sultana ..
And popular ..
And legitimacy among all the queens. .
O thicker floating in the water of my life
O moon rises every evening from the window of words. .
O greatest of all open Vetohata
Oh another homeland Old therein. .
And bury it ..
And publish the writings . .
O woman, my wife , my eyebrows ..
I do not know how the waves threw me on your feet
I do not know how to walk . .
Here's how I walked . .
Oh bunched all of sea birds . .
So endemic in Nhdak . .
How was great was when you found . .
Woman interference in the composition of poetry. .
You warm sand of the sea . .
You are a great deal blunt . .
I knocked on the door .. Age began . .
How beautiful my hair has become . .
While educate your hands ..
How become rich .. and strong. .
As Ohadak to God . .
Do you have any doubt that you are the eyes of QBs
Your hands are the continuation of optical Lady . .
Do you have any doubt . .
The words come out of my lips ?
Do you have any doubt . .
I am you. . And you're in ? ?
O fire sweeping Kayani
O fruit fills my branches
Oh flesh cuts like a sword ,
And hits like a volcano
Oh calm down .. reeked like tobacco fields
The horse running towards me . .
Tell me :
How Sanqz myself from the waves of the flood ..
Tell me :
What do I do with you? I am in the case of addiction . .
Tell me what is the solution ? Vohoaqa
Reached the limits of rave ...
Oh nose with Greek ..
The Spanish -haired
Woman is not repeated in thousands of times ..
O woman dancing barefoot entrance arterial
Where do you come from ? How come ?
How Bogdani hit ?
Oh yes one of Ayatollah Ali ..
And a cloud of love and tenderness . .
O most expensive pearl in my hand . .
Ah .. how Lord gave me .

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Zynga poker Hack

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy pets coin cheat


  • cheat engine 5.6
  • firefox
  • flash 10  

  1. Enter Happy Pets
  2. Open Cheat Engine (hex, Array of bytes, ASROM)
  3. Touch Pet in game a few times.
  4. Scan "85C00F848B0000008B48088B49548945"
  5. 2 addresses may return. Right click the bottom address and Disassemble memory region
  6. You will see the code "test eax, eax"
  7. Change it to "test eax,ecx"
  8. Now click on your piggy bank or visit a friend and click on his piggy bank. Notice the coins in the piggy bank will not disappear but your amount of coins keep increasing, click as much as you want. 
  9. Once satisfed, shift some furniture and wait for a while for the game to auto save.Then refresh and coins should still remain.